Logo design for Choice👩🏼‍🔬
Choice is a creative collaborative project started in 2013 by Dj and entrepreneur Loli Zazou💃🏻. This project is formed for a group of artists👨‍👨‍👧‍👧, designers and scene creatures based in Barcelona. Where fun 👯‍♀️, freedom and respect are decisive. 💫

To create the logo we were inspired 💡 by Art Nouveau and its essence 🎨🍃, translating the organic forms🍁 of ths style into a more contemporary language.👨🏼‍🔬

Logo design @kinkifactory🎈
Photos by @uriolo

Contact us👨🏼‍💻📫📲 lakinkifactory@gmail.com
(+34) 679 423 753
(+34) 618 22 51 45

📍Locate on 
Barcelona / Madrid