Direction for Hermanos Juan🍞 

Hermanos Juan is a brand that is dedicated to making bakery products with the highest quality and respect for tradition.

We wanted to show the wide range of products including traditional breads, cakes, cookies, and sweets, all of them made with the freshest and most natural ingredients. In addition, to focus on using artisan production techniques that allow us to create products with a unique flavor.

Production: Petra Garmon
Directed by: @pedrootf @guillermoaliaga @kinkifactory 👨🏻‍🎨

DoP: @oriolcolomar 📹
Color: @enyarodiguez🚥

Contact us👨🏼‍💻📫📲
(+34) 679 423 753
(+34) 618 22 51 45

📍Locate on 
Barcelona / Madrid