Creativity, direction and production for Can Pizza 🍕

Can pizza is one of the best pizzerias in Spain, perfecting the art of the dough to the point of delirium. Carefully fermented for 72 hours to achieve the perfect texture.❤️

With this campaign we want to challenge artificial intelligence to see if it could beat the pizzaiolo craft of can pizza. 🧠This artificial intelligence will be built based on the data collected in can pizza.🍕

It will be a tough duel, who will win?🤝

Creativity, direction and production: @pedrootf @guillermoaliaga @kinkifactory 👨🏻‍🎨
Creative support: @al.veiga 📝
DoP: @oriolcolomar 📹


Contact us👨🏼‍💻📫📲
(+34) 679 423 753
(+34) 618 22 51 45

📍Locate on 
Barcelona / Madrid