Directed for Yallo & produced by Mygosh
For swiss market 🌐️
Yallo is telco provider. Let’s show people what we are all about and what we have to offer as a full digital telco with our finger on the pulse of today .
Yallo is sometimes internety, sometimes funny, sometimes serious, sometimes young, sometimes more adult.
But always striking, agile, simple and direct

Yallo connects people through devices🌐️
This is why we use the screen of the devices as the connection between the scenes (people).

Yallo 🌐️

Direction: @kinkifactory 👨🏻‍🎨
Directors: @guillermoaliaga & @elvis.krespo
DoP: @oriolcolomar 📹
Edit & post-production:🛠️
Color: Marc Morató 🎨

Production: 🧐️ 
Service production: @lightfilminternational

Contact us👨🏼‍💻📫📲
(+34) 679 423 753
(+34) 618 22 51 45

📍Locate on 
Barcelona / Madrid