Directed for eBay Human Store. 💙
We wanted to represent the story of each person 👤 who are behind every object 👀. Showing the ambassador’s universe through her personality👩🏻‍🎤, background, his work and what makes him special. 💁🏼‍♀️

Each ambassador is surrounded by the universe 🌌 that represents him emphasizing his object 👜 and color 🎨. This space represents the atmosphere of each one through an artistic representation 👨🏻‍🎨that magnifies 💥 the universe of each ambassador.

Client cut:

 Palomo Spain, 29❤️


The Spanish King, 89 💜

Model and Influencer.

David Antón, 25💛

International Chest Great Master. 

Baiuca, 31💚

Musiciant and compositor.


Violeta, 29💙


BTS by Diana Dot

@ebayspain 💙

Ejecutive Production:@guillepichin @vinniesilvestre 📝
Producer: @jminguela
Boss production: @rebeer_
Coordinator production: @danihernandez.m
Aux production: Javier Vázquez, Javi de Francisco, Pedro Peláez, Laura Sánchez
Direction: @kinkifactory 👨🏻‍🎨
AD: Danni Pérez
DoP: @by___persona 📹
Camara Ass: @_pablopascual
Aux Camara: @segui_adrian
Steady-Cam: @javier_veiga_garcia 🎥
Steady Ass: @irenemanmor

Starring: @thespanishking_ , @palomospain, @soyvioletag, @davidantonguijarro and @baiucamusic 🎭

Dit: Iván MorenoDit: Iván Moreno
Operator 2nd unit: Jon Alvan

Gaffer: @nachoc6
Electrics: @marcos.cifo, Javier Alfaya, Lucas Nicolai 💥
Art Director: @a.gandarillas
Art ass: @paulakosoy
Atrecist: @f.javier_garrido
Art Aux: Fernando Díaz, @siggynez , Blanca González

Stylist: @sofiadlcruz_ 🕶
MUAH Boss: @blanca_elece 💇🏼‍♀️
Photographer: @larrybalboa 🎞
Ass Photo: @jonfernandezphoto
Drivers: César and Juanan Juzgado 🚚

Contact us👨🏼‍💻📫📲
(+34) 679 423 753
(+34) 618 22 51 45

📍Locate on 
Barcelona / Madrid